King Valentine and Bacon Brownies

My stint in Japan unfortunately spoiled me rotten for Valentine’s Day.  Although expensive gifts of jewelry and the like were never on the menu (ha ha, I’m punning!), on this most commercialized holiday women are socially obligated to give the men in their lives chocolates.  Being the dashing man I am, I obviously received a ton.

Now that I’m back in the States, I am once again giving chocolates on St Valentine’s Day.  What better way for King Valentine to love the women with whom he works than with brownies?  BACON BROWNIES.  Thank you, Nigella Lawson (get the recipe here).

Brownie Batter

Adding chopped dark chocolate and crispy bacon in golden syrup.

Dark Chocolate Brownies with Bacon

A bit dark and dense, the bacon adds a delicious burst of saltiness to the brownies.